Caregiver Roundtable

Ampersand Families

For all Ampersand-affiliated adoptive, pre-adoptive, and kinship caregivers. Caregivers are invited to share their experiences and get support from other caregivers while youth participate in an activity supervised by Ampersand Families staff. Dinner is provided for all. Invites go out approximately 2 weeks before the event. Please RSVP to 

MYVoice Virtual Hangout


MyVoice Virtual Hangouts are fun, youth-led events with young people from all around Minnesota. For youth ages 12-22 with lived experience in the foster care/adoption systems. This event will take place over Zoom; contact for the meeting link.

Relative/Kinship Parenting and Building Resilience Training

This training acknowledges the complexities associated with Relative/Kinship caregiving through fostering and adoption. Topics will include divided loyalties, redefining roles and relationships, setting boundaries with parents and other relatives, the range of emotions caregivers can feel and how children who have experienced trauma, separation, or loss can impact a caregiver’s own well-being. Strategies for howContinue Reading

Buddy Family Program Info Session


Come learn about our Buddy Family Program! This will be a casual information session with our Buddy Family Permanency Specialist. Learn about the program and ask any questions that you may have! Register here:

MYVoice Winter Fun Virtual Hangout


Youth-led event open to all Minnesota young people 12-22 who have lived experience in the foster care and/or adoption systems. We'll mail you a winter fun kit, then get creative together during our virtual hangout! Text, call, or email to RSVP and get the Zoom link. 612-695-4328 or

MYVoice Dungeons & Dragons Event (Day 2)

Join MYVoice for a two-day virtual Dungeons and Dragons event! We will meet on Zoom Thursday, December 28, 1:00-4:00pm and Friday, December 29, 1:00-4:00pm. Our expert storytellers (dungeon masters) will be there to guide both new and experienced players on an exciting quest! Space is limited and attendance at both sessions is required. Join us!!Continue Reading

Relative/Kinship Parenting and Building Resilience Training

This training acknowledges the complexities associated with Relative/Kinship caregiving through fostering and adoption. Topics will include divided loyalties, redefining roles and relationships, setting boundaries with parents and other relatives, the range of emotions caregivers can feel and how children who have experienced trauma, separation, or loss can impact a caregiver’s own well-being. Strategies for howContinue Reading

Caregiver Roundtable

For all Ampersand-affiliated adoptive, pre-adoptive, and kinship caregivers. Caregivers are invited to share their experiences and get support from other caregivers while youth participate in an activity supervised by Ampersand Families staff. Dinner is provided for all. Invites go out approximately 2 weeks before the event. Please RSVP to 

MYVoice “Spread the Love” hangout


RSVPs are due by Friday, January 19. MYVoice will mail valentine-making supplies to youth before the hangout, so everyone can make stuff together during the Zoom! Finished valentines can be given to youth's friends and families. Plus, if participants want some of their valentines to be sent out to other youth currently in foster care,Continue Reading

Winter Family Retreat

Fun-filled day for Ampersand-related families and youth to build connections and community with each other! RSVPs are closed

Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families Training

This training helps participants understand the impact of parenting children from different racial/ethnic/cultural backgrounds and to know how to honor and incorporate child’s race/ethnicity/culture into their existing family system. Strategies are identified to help children develop positive and proud identities and to help children and families prepare for and handle racism in all forms. OpennessContinue Reading