Families who want to learn more about Ampersand Families and the adoption process can schedule a 1:1 orientation with the Family Support and Education Specialist.
Email us or call 612.605.1904 to ask about scheduling an orientation. We encourage families to first attend the 2 Day CHLSS Pre-Adopt Training before completing an orientation with us, but are open to connecting before this and answering any questions you might have.
Preparing for your orientation
Before your one-to-one orientation, please take some time to review the following materials. No need to print unless you would like a paper copy for your own records. Please save for future reference!
Family Introduction Brochure for Ampersand Families:
This is one of the main documents that will be reviewed and discussed during your 1:1 orientation! It includes an overview of our agency’s history, mission, values, and what you can expect during the home study assessment and adoption process with us. If you are short on time and can only review one document before orientation, choose this one!
Ampersand Families Notice of Privacy Practices
As a client completing a home study assessment with our organization, you can expect to provide a lot of private and/or sensitive information about yourself. This describes why we ask for the information, with whom we share it with, what your rights are, and what our agency’s responsibilities are regarding the information.
Ampersand Families Foster Care, Pre-Adoptive, & Buddy Family Policies
This document includes our agencies policies on discipline, drug and alcohol use, and grievances, for any relative and non-relative foster, adoptive, and buddy families we serve.
Minnesota Foster Care Rules
This is the excerpt from Minnesota statutes which outlines rules and expectations for foster care licensing in Minnesota. We highly encourage all prospective families review this document and ask us any/all questions. Throughout the home study assessment and licensing process with you, we will reference ‘foster care rules’ or ‘foster care expectations’ quite frequently.
Minnesota Department of Human Services – Answers to Your Questions About Adoption
This publication provides answers to frequently asked questions for birth parents, adoptive parents, and adopted persons in Minnesota.
Ampersand Families Document Receipt & Requests
We typically send this to a family after orientation has been completed to sign electronically via an e-signature service. If you prefer to complete by hand, you can download the form and return to us via email, mail, or fax.