Winter Family Retreat 2025
Check back later for more details
Check back later for more details
For all Ampersand-affiliated adoptive, pre-adoptive, and kinship caregivers. Caregivers are invited to share their experiences and get support from other caregivers while youth participate in an activity supervised by Ampersand Families staff. Dinner is provided forContinue Reading
It might be January, but MYVoice is already thinking about Valentine's Day! We're mailing Valentine-making kits to everyone who's going to attend the MYVoice "Spread the Love" Virtual Hangout onContinue Reading
Free virtual legal clinic for relative & kin families hoping to be a permanency resource for a child in foster care. What to expect during the clinic: A brief "KnowContinue Reading
This training acknowledges the complexities associated with Relative/Kinship caregiving through fostering and adoption. Topics will include divided loyalties, redefining roles and relationships, setting boundaries with parents and other relatives, theContinue Reading
Youth-led event open to Minnesota young people ages 12-22 who have lived experience in the foster care and/or adoption systems! Text, call, or email to RSVP and receive the ZoomContinue Reading
For all Ampersand-affiliated adoptive, pre-adoptive, and kinship caregivers. Caregivers are invited to share their experiences and get support from other caregivers while youth participate in an activity supervised by AmpersandContinue Reading
This training acknowledges the complexities associated with Relative/Kinship caregiving through fostering and adoption. Topics will include divided loyalties, redefining roles and relationships, setting boundaries with parents and other relatives, theContinue Reading
Youth-led event open to Minnesota young people ages 12-22 who have lived experience in the foster care and/or adoption systems! Text, call, or email to RSVP and receive the ZoomContinue Reading
For all Ampersand-affiliated adoptive, pre-adoptive, and kinship caregivers. Caregivers are invited to share their experiences and get support from other caregivers while youth participate in an activity supervised by AmpersandContinue Reading
This training helps participants understand the impact of parenting children from different racial/ethnic/cultural backgrounds and to know how to honor and incorporate child’s race/ethnicity/culture into their existing family system. StrategiesContinue Reading
Free virtual legal clinic for relative & kin families hoping to be a permanency resource for a child in foster care. What to expect during the clinic: A brief "KnowContinue Reading