Read and reflect on these questions to find out whether you have what it takes.
- I like teenagers.
- It’s okay if my kid doesn’t call me “mom” or “dad” or yells “you’re not my mom,” occasionally. Loudly.
- I can handle hearing swear words. Or not.
- I tweet or know someone who does.
- Sometimes I laugh at situations that make others walk away in frustration.
- I can imagine welcoming new members into my current family, including a youth’s biological relatives and other important connections.
- I remember doing dumb things when I was a teenager.
- I know I will need help if I adopt a teen and I am eager to learn.
- My family is often more like Ozzy Osborne’s than Ozzie and Harriet’s.
- I know that I will not die if my grandmother’s teacup gets broken.
- I have friends who are different than I am as far as race, culture, income, politics or other important things.
- I am resilient and cool headed even in the face of frustration.
- Thinking of teaching a teen to drive doesn’t make me want to cry.
- I have done my own therapeutic work and have a therapist I can return to if my own issues are stirred up.
- I know how to not take things personally even if they hurt my feelings.
- Part of why I want to adopt is because I know teens who age out of foster care face terrible outcomes, and I want to be part of the solution.
- I am able to help a teen explore spirituality and/or religion knowing they may not believe what I believe.
- I know I will need help if I adopt a teen and I am eager to learn.
- If I have a partner, we are on the same page about adopting and parenting a traumatized teen.
- I want to join a community of people who have adopted teens and support each other.
- I have the capacity to see the hurt and trauma in my child’s eyes and to be an emotionally-attuned partner as she heals.

- I’ve heard of TikTok, and I’ve used Instagram.
- I know what sexting is, and I have some idea what to do if my kid does it.
- I know how to fix a hole in sheetrock.
- I like surprises.
- I am willing to parent my teen according to his needs, even if he is 17 years old and sometimes needs to be parented like they are 12.
- I’m intrigued with the idea of getting to know my kid’s birth family; and I can support my kid’s efforts to navigate those complicated relationships.
- I know what SOGIE means, or will go look it up.
- I know that I will need help if I adopt a teen and I am eager to learn (yes, we realize this is listed 3 times..get the point?).
- I know how to say “no” in the face of extreme pressure. Often I say “yes.”
- It’s okay if the kid I adopt keeps their last name.
- I like hugs, but can live without them sometimes.
- Music is okay even if I cannot understand a word they are singing.
- I have a network of friends and family who will support my plans to adopt a teen.
- I have been stubborn or pushy.
- I know that adopting means unconditional commitment and that I will be my teen’s parent forever no matter whether:
- They go to college or struggle to finish high school,
- They find a fulfilling career or change jobs frequently,
- They get arrested and go to jail or become a police officer,
- They are ready to live on their own at 18 or 26,
- They get someone pregnant (or become pregnant) before being ready to parent,
- They become addicted or never uses at all,
- They develop a mental health issue,
- They leave home to live with their birth mom. . . and then want to come back.